Dairycon Exclusives!

Reinforcements from Dairycon!

Allegiance: Dairycon
Name: Kugel
Function: BrewMaster

Quote: "There's nothing like the Northwoods in the Fall!"

An adventurous 'bot who would leave his mark on both Earth and Cybertronain history. A lover of humanity, KUGEL shares a passion of finely-brewed fuels with his fleshling counterparts. With the help of his partners HOOK and LINE, KUGEL is the primary purveyor of fuel for both the humans and the Dairycons.

Unparalleled sensor ability; can locate ingredients useful for both fleshling and cybertronian fuels, be it the right mix of barley and hops or a particularly flavorful grade of raw energon. Splits his time between interacting with the humans, and helping to perfect the brew. Combines with his fellow BrewMasters into a being of great power.

Considered overly protective of human life.

Notes: Line is the 2017 release of the Reinforcements from Dairycon line of figures. Numbered fifth in a series of six, and available *only* if you attended the 2017 Dairycon Convention, and turned in your Moo-Points to get him. :-) More on Moo Points...